What is faith and development?
An expression of faith through love and service –meeting the needs of our neighbours particularly the poor and marginalised. This also recognises the critical role faith groups have in advocating for the voiceless.
How do we work in faith and development?
Mosaic specialises in training facilitators through courses which have an emphasis on bringing the Bible alive creatively through art and drama to show clearly the biblical principles of loving our neighbour. The facilitators are then equipped with participatory tools to use with their churches and communities to gather information and plan projects. Projects also include advocacy initiatives.
Where have we worked and who have we worked with?
Mosaic has worked in the UK and overseas with the following organisations in developing resources and training local facilitators; Tearfund, the Mothers’ Union, Compassion International, World Vision, Cafod, Christian Aid, Tear NL, Us, the Dioceses of St Asaph and Derby and Liverpool, the Church of Scotland.